Hyper Light Drifter Wiki

The Wastes, also called the Barren Hills, is the southern region of the Land of Light in Hyper Light Drifter, and is a sandy wasteland, filled with rocky cliffs and red-orange foliage. This area is home to a large underground laboratory complex that also serves as a robot factory and is responsible for the creation of various creatures seen around the world such as the Dirks and blue-skins. 

In the story told by the Elder Lizard it seems like a group of lizard people ventured underground via one of the elevators and awakened the monsters being stored and created there like the Reaper, some lizards escaped and now live in the caves away from the dangerous robots.

Scattered about the desert are a number of ruined mechanical structures resembling pieces of a large spacecraft possibly also created in the labs. 





The Mountains and the Barren Hills are tied for the fewest amount of unique music tracks for a major area, coming in at 3.

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Main Areas AbyssBarren HillsCentral TownCrystal ForestLakeMountains
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