Hyper Light Drifter Wiki
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The title of this article is conjectural. If there is an official name, it is requested that Dirk Gunman be moved to the correct name.

The Dirk Gunman is an enemy only found in the Horde Arena and behind the the 8 ModuleIcon Module door in Barren Hills.


The Dirk Gunman fires a series of 7 bullets, each dealing 1 DMG. The Gunman aims at The Drifter and follows their movements within a 90-degree arc. Moving outside this arc has the gunman trying to follow where you go. The cooldown for the bullet attack is approximately 2.5 seconds.

If there are regular Dirks around, the Gunman may lash out with a golden sword and snarl in The Drifter's direction. This causes the nearby Dirks to rush towards The Drifter and immediately attack them.


The best time to attack is during the cooldown. During this time you can flank around the gunman and use your Sword to get hits in or use the Blunderbuss.

Another reliable, but more advanced way to deal with the Gunman is to carefully use the Bullet Absorb near the head of his flurry of shots, then following with barrages from your own gun. The Gunman's rapid-fire shots are close enough to keep the Shield active - often through the entire barrage and keeping you safe - while the shield itself rapidly recharges your gun's ammunition, allowing you to continually lay down return fire without the need of melee attacks to recharge. This also protects you from other projectiles that may be coming your way from other enemies, and can be extremely useful in Horde Arena, where the dodge-and-weave of trying to get close to the Gunman can be extremely tricky. The downside of this tactic of course is failing to dodge correctly will often result in damage, and requires a high degree of confidence in dodge timing and placement.

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Hyper Light Drifter Enemies
Enemies BladebotBomber ToadCrystal BruteCrystal KnightCrystal Knight PistoleerCrystal SpiderCrystal WolfDirkDirk GunmanDirk RiflemanDirk RocketeerLeaperNinja ToadPlant BeastPlant BeastlingRobot SpiderSlimeVultureVulture AcolyteVulture Shaman