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Hyper Light Drifter - News
Hyper Light Drifter is avaiable on iOS right now! https://apps.apple.com/us/app/hyper-light-drifter/id1453875289
Just Updated
Hyper Light Drifter comes to iOS — July 25th! https://twitter.com/abylight/status/1144163133969162240
Hyper Light Drifter is going to be a tabletop RPG game: https://twitter.com/Andreas_MWG/status/1136394024888070144?s=19
Hyper Light Drifter will become a TV show: https://twitter.com/HeartMachineZ/status/1111356263638528000
Heart Machine announced their new game. You can see official tweet here: twitter.com/HeartMachineZ/status/1105862812503433216
Hello everyone,
We are aware that some players are experiencing some new and odd issues with a variety of controllers. It may be due to changes in our engine, Game Maker, or some of our own updates in the code, or even external factors. We are trying to determine exactly what's going on, but it takes time when the issues are inconsistent and difficult to reproduce.
If you are experiencing problems with controller detection, please compile your system specs and any external hardware you have connected, as well as any anti-virus apps you may be running to help us determine exactly why this may be occurring in such an uneven way. Any information we can gather will be extremely helpful in fixing these problems.
We are addressing this as quickly as we can - apologies for any frustration and thank you for bearing with us.
- Hyper Light Drifter NEWS - on Steam Community
As part of our ongoing effort to understand why the game isn't recognizing controllers on certain systems, we have created the 'controller_test' branch.
If you are experiencing controller detection problems, please switch to this branch and let us know if the issue persists.
To switch to the 'controller_test' branch:
- Right click on Hyper Light Drifter in your Steam Library
- Click on "Properties"
- Click on the "BETAS" tab
- Click the drop down menu and select the 'controller_test' branch
- Click the "close" button and your game should start updating immediately
- Hyper Light Drifter NEWS - on Steam Community
Hi folks,
The controller detection change we put in the 'next_update' branch yesterday is now live in the default branch.
If your controller worked before and is broken now, you can roll back to the previous version by switching to the 'last_update' branch. If this occurs, or if your controller still doesn't work, please send an email to support@heart-machine.com including your OS and controller type.
To switch to the 'last_update' branch:
- Right click on Hyper Light Drifter in your Steam Library
- Click on "Properties"
- Click on the "BETAS" tab
- Click the drop down menu and select the 'last_update' branch
- Click the "close" button and your game should start updating immediately
- Hyper Light Drifter NEWS - on Steam Community
Hey everyone,
We've noticed an influx of bug reports regarding controller detection. A potential fix for Windows has been uploaded. If you've been having controller problems, please switch to the 'next_update' branch and see if that addresses the problem. Mac and Linux builds will be uploaded soon. (Edit: Mac/Linux builds are now live)
If you're still having trouble, please send an email to support@heart-machine.com detailing your OS and which controller you are using.
To switch to the 'next_update' branch:
- Right click on Hyper Light Drifter in your Steam Library
- Click on "Properties"
- Click on the "BETAS" tab
- Click the drop down menu and select the 'next_update' branch
- Click the "close" button and your game should start updating immediately
- Hyper Light Drifter NEWS - on Steam Community
Hi everyone,
We have uploaded a new Windows build (in the BETAs tab as "next_update") that attempts to address controller issues that players have reported.
Additionally, the Mac and Linux builds have been updated to be current with the Windows version, including some specific fixes for these platforms with various controller issues.
If you notice any issues with the build, please send an email to support@heart-machine.com detailing the issue. Please make sure to include your hardware specs and OS.
- Improved controller detection and support
- Attempted to address libcurl dependency issues on some Linux distros
- Updated engine to latest version
To switch to the 'next_update' branch:
- Right click on Hyper Light Drifter in your Steam Library
- Click on "Properties"
- Click on the "BETAS" tab
- Click the drop down menu and select the 'next_update' branch
- Click the "close" button and your game should start updating immediately
- Hyper Light Drifter NEWS - on Steam Community
Hi everyone,
We have pushed an updated Windows build containing a few fixes.
Additionally, the 60FPS build is now in the main branch for OSX.
- fixed screen draw and mouse issues related to fullscreen mode
- fixed issue where talking to a vendor npc would open the map screen
- the game now remembers your most recently used control setting
- Hyper Light Drifter NEWS - on Steam Community
Hi everyone,
Our Fast Collision change is now live, along with a few bug fixes. If you spot any issues with the build, please send an email to support@heart-machine.com detailing the problem along with your hardware specs and OS.
If this update is disruptive for you, you can switch to the 'last_update' branch to go back to our last stable 60FPS build. The 'stable_30fps' branch is also still available.
- fixed intro hallucination playing in NG+
- fixed various weapon swap crashes
To switch to a different branch:
- Right click on Hyper Light Drifter in your Steam Library
- Click on "Properties"
- Click on the "BETAS" tab
- Click the drop down menu and select the desired branch
- Click the "close" button and your game should start updating immediately
- Hyper Light Drifter NEWS - on Steam Community
Hi everyone,
We are happy to announce that the 60FPS update for Mac and Linux is now live in the 'next_update' branch.
If you notice any problems with the build, please send an email to support@heart-machine.com detailing the problem along with your OS and hardware specs.
To switch to the 'next_update' branch:
- Right click on Hyper Light Drifter in your Steam Library
- Click on "Properties"
- Click on the "BETAS" tab
- Click the drop down menu and select the 'next_update' branch
- Click the "close" button and your game should start updating immediately
Once we feel confident that the changes are stable, they will be moved into the main branch.
- Hyper Light Drifter NEWS - on Steam Community
Hi folks,
We have pushed a minor update to the 'next_update' branch that resolves an issue with the Phantom Slash ability. As per usual, if you spot an issue, please send an email to support@heart-machine.com detailing the problem.
- fixed Phantom Slash being able to teleport through solid objects
- Hyper Light Drifter NEWS - on Steam Community
Hi folks,
We're pushing out a new round of minor bug fixes. Additionally, we have enabled the experimental Fast Collision change in the 'next_update' branch. This should improve performance, especially for users with lower-end hardware. If, on the other hand, you notice that this update causes performance to degrade, please send an email to support@heart-machine.com detailing your hardware specs and OS.
- enabled Fast Collision
- fixed some floor holes and phantom collisions
- fixed issue where ninja frogs would spawn in incorrect locations
- added notification to disable Xbox DVR
We'll be responding to feedback as soon as we can.
- Hyper Light Drifter NEWS - on Steam Community
Hi everyone,
We have narrowed down the elusive framerate issue: it occurs if your computer is using a 144Hz monitor and Vsync is On. This is due to a limitation of the engine.
If you are using a 144Hz monitor and notice framerate issues, you can try these options:
- Switch your monitor to 60Hz mode and set Vsync to On in the game menu
- Set Vsync to Off in the game menu
- Set Vsync to Alternate (may not work) in the game menu
To change your Vsync mode, from the main menu or pause menu go to Settings -> Vsync.
- fixed exploit which allowed the player to gather infinite gearbits
- note: because of the way saves are handled, you may see extra gearbits drop from bosses you have already defeated in a pre-patch save
- fixed issue where healthkits would be reset on death in co-op mode
- fixed issue where west boss body would be duplicated
- potential fix for endlessly looping spider walk sound
- added new vsync mode: 'Alternate'
To switch to the 'next_update' branch:
- Right click on Hyper Light Drifter in your Steam Library
- Click on "Properties"
- Click on the "BETAS" tab
- Click the drop down menu and select the 'next_update' branch
- Click the "close" button and your game should start updating immediately
If you notice any problems, please send an email to support@heart-machine.com detailing your issue, including your hardware specs and OS.
Once we're sure that the changes are stable, they will be moved into the main branch.
- Hyper Light Drifter NEWS - on Steam Community
Hi everyone,
Many thanks to those of you who submitted bug reports that helped us fix remaining problems with our new update. After much public testing over the past weeks, we think it's time to put the 60fps build live.
In pushing this live we hope for more feedback related to performance. If you see that the game has any performance issues:
- Try toggling the 'vsync' option in the settings menu.
- Try switching to the 'fastcollision' branch, which has experimental performance changes.
And please send an email to support@heart-machine.com detailing the issue along with your hardware specs and OS. We appreciate reports about performance degrading or improving, as we are trying to gauge the viability of the 'fastcollision' changes.
We will continue to update with tweaks and fixes as we receive feedback.
If this build is disruptive for you and you want to go back to the stable 8/4/2016 build, you can do so by switching to the 'stable_30fps' branch.
To switch to a different branch:
- Right click on Hyper Light Drifter in your Steam Library
- Click on "Properties"
- Click on the "BETAS" tab
- Click the drop down menu and select the desired branch
- Click the "close" button and your game should start updating immediately
Thanks again for your feedback. We'll be responding to feedback as quickly as possible.
- Hyper Light Drifter NEWS - on Steam Community
Hi everyone,
We're still trying to narrow down why certain users are having framerate issues. We've created updates on both 'next_update' and 'fastcollision' that will enable you to toggle vsync from the menu. If you are having framerate issues, try setting vsync to off and let us know what happens. Please also make sure that forced vsync is not turned on in your graphics driver settings.
- added vsync option to settings menu
- fixed co-op issue where player 2's energy would reset when entering a new room
- fixed invisible block in the south
- potential fix for crash related to dashing and swapping weapons at the same time
- potential fix for rare issue where boss rush checkpoints would not be set properly
- Hyper Light Drifter NEWS - on Steam Community
Hello folks,
After our Fast Collision beta, we received a number of reports from people who experienced increased performance, as well as some people who experienced a decrease in performance. Strangely, we have received performance complaints throughout the 60FPS beta from users whose machines should be up to spec.
We have created two separate builds to try to narrow down these framerate issues.
If you try 'next_update' and have framerate issues, switch to 'fastcollision' and send an email to support@heart-machine.com describing what happens, along with your hardware specs.
Additionally, if 'fastcollision' gave you framerate issues but the new 'next_update' build does not, please send us an email.
Please also let us know if you are using any graphics driver override settings, such as forced vsync.
Thanks for helping us figure this out.
- Hyper Light Drifter NEWS - on Steam Community