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(Edited by Thirdwinter)
https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1pcQr2VaWF1LFtVnu2Ip8nfoNEjVUb2fn?usp=sharing here it is btw. you can add to it idc but please be normal since this is my actual drive. i have these sounds backed up just like. be normal. please
So i recentlly played the game again and i noticed an NPC that i have never seen before ... I searched on the HLD wiki but i didn't found anything, ... I know it mostly is just an NPC ... but it kind of look like the librarian without the ochre cloak to me ... he even have his book
Hyper Light Drifter is avaiable on iOS right now! https://apps.apple.com/us/app/hyper-light-drifter/id1453875289
Hyper Light Drifter comes to iOS — July 25th! https://twitter.com/abylight/status/1144163133969162240
Hyper Light Drifter is going to be a tabletop RPG game: https://twitter.com/Andreas_MWG/status/1136394024888070144?s=19
Greetings! My name is Flanqer, and I’m the Fandom Wiki Manager for this wiki. I'm here to help the community and be a liaison to full-time Fandom staff. If you ever have problems or questions related to the wiki, such as editing, styling, infoboxes, templates, etc., please contact me on my message wall.
I really wish the cover art for the game on the Switch was a bit cooler. The current art isn't necessarily bad, it's pretty standard, but it's also not very impressive when compared to other games.
I would really like a artistic interpretation of the main character or something similar? Something brighter and more akin to other indie games.
(( This is just a personal opinion. If you disagree, that is absolutely okay. But please don't yell at me in response ))
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5 Votes in Poll
(Edited by Avvishodgson)
Hyper Light Drifter will become a TV show: https://twitter.com/HeartMachineZ/status/1111356263638528000
Heart Machine announced their new game. You can see official tweet here: twitter.com/HeartMachineZ/status/1105862812503433216
I'll be coming back to the pages I created to add templates, images, etc and generally sync them up better with the wiki. Just give me a bit.
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Have fun!
Can i get 3 buffs by mixing the costume sets?
Where the fck is the little snail? ^^
(Edited by Tschedde)
Hello everyone,
We are aware that some players are experiencing some new and odd issues with a variety of controllers. It may be due to changes in our engine, Game Maker, or some of our own updates in the code, or even external factors. We are trying to determine exactly what's going on, but it takes time when the issues are inconsistent and difficult to reproduce.
If you are experiencing problems with controller detection, please compile your system specs and any external hardware you have connected, as well as any anti-virus apps you may be running to help us determine exactly why this may be occurring in such an uneven way. Any information we can gather will be extremely helpful in fixing these problems.
We are addressing this as quickly as we can - apologies for any frustration and thank you for bearing with us.
- Hyper Light Drifter NEWS - on Steam Community
(Edited by Mieiki)
As part of our ongoing effort to understand why the game isn't recognizing controllers on certain systems, we have created the 'controller_test' branch.
If you are experiencing controller detection problems, please switch to this branch and let us know if the issue persists.
To switch to the 'controller_test' branch:
- Right click on Hyper Light Drifter in your Steam Library
- Click on "Properties"
- Click on the "BETAS" tab
- Click the drop down menu and select the 'controller_test' branch
- Click the "close" button and your game should start updating immediately
- Hyper Light Drifter NEWS - on Steam Community
(Edited by Mieiki)
Hi folks,
The controller detection change we put in the 'next_update' branch yesterday is now live in the default branch.
If your controller worked before and is broken now, you can roll back to the previous version by switching to the 'last_update' branch. If this occurs, or if your controller still doesn't work, please send an email to support@heart-machine.com including your OS and controller type.
To switch to the 'last_update' branch:
- Right click on Hyper Light Drifter in your Steam Library
- Click on "Properties"
- Click on the "BETAS" tab
- Click the drop down menu and select the 'last_update' branch
- Click the "close" button and your game should start updating immediately
- Hyper Light Drifter NEWS - on Steam Community
(Edited by Mieiki)
Hey everyone,
We've noticed an influx of bug reports regarding controller detection. A potential fix for Windows has been uploaded. If you've been having controller problems, please switch to the 'next_update' branch and see if that addresses the problem. Mac and Linux builds will be uploaded soon. (Edit: Mac/Linux builds are now live)
If you're still having trouble, please send an email to support@heart-machine.com detailing your OS and which controller you are using.
To switch to the 'next_update' branch:
- Right click on Hyper Light Drifter in your Steam Library
- Click on "Properties"
- Click on the "BETAS" tab
- Click the drop down menu and select the 'next_update' branch
- Click the "close" button and your game should start updating immediately
- Hyper Light Drifter NEWS - on Steam Community
(Edited by Mieiki)